Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Better Off

I got my paper back today. The paper that I slaved over for a couple of weeks. The paper for my 1L writing class that was almost 30 pages long.

The good news is that I got a decent grade. The bad news, however, is that according to my prof, I am precariously teetering between two grades for the semester.
Now, I think as far as law school is concerned, either one is a pretty good grade; but I am borderline (who am I kidding, I am COMPLETELY) OCD about stuff like this, so of course now I am making it my personal mission to achieve the better of the two grades. The prof said that obtaining the better grade would take a "massive effort" on my part for the final paper. (Yes, she used the words "massive effort.") Personally, I think that every paper I have handed in so far has been the product of "massive" brain hemorrhaging, soul-searching, and Westlaw/Bluebook adoration, but apparently I am wrong. This final paper will require an effort paramount to all others.

As soon as I got back from class, feeling slightly dejected, I got an email from a co-worker I was friendly with at Cubicle Hell, Inc (the old company I used to work for that I had utter and complete hatred for before I became a law student). She mentioned in her email that she wanted to get together but wasn't sure when because she was "so busy" at work. So busy?? Are you kidding me?? I worked there, ok? I know that a "busy" day there for me meant one where I got so many emails from friends that I didn't have time to visit all of my favorite bookmarked websites AND finish the daily crossword by lunchtime.

So that email really served as a reality check for me - just when I thought I was going to crack over the paper that I basically have to get divine inspiration for in order to push myself into a higher grade bracket for the semester, I realized that I could still be at Cubicle Hell Inc - therefore, Westlaw, here I come!!