Friday, May 12, 2006

This is NOT What I Pay Tuition For

I am happy to announce that today concludes my marathon occupation of the law library.

As a permanent resident of the library for the last two weeks, I have noticed things go from good, to fair, to just plain poor. The vending machine is empty (with the exception of maybe those weird orange crackers with peanut butter). The napkins in the cafeteria are all gone. And the bathroom is a disgusting mess. There are rolls of toilet paper strewn about. The floor is STICKY (from what, God only knows, and I cringe at the possibilities). There are strange substances of varying colors in and around the toilets. I have never been a fan of utilizing public facilities, but using the bathroom at school lately has been worse than using the bathroom at a county park in the middle of July. It's just plain nasty. Is this what my excessive amount of tuition pays for? So that the law students are abandoned by all during finals-time, including housekeeping? Come on, Law School!! At least clean the bathroom!