Sorry for the lack of posting for the last week. I was undergoing, to say the very least, a very stressful moment in my life. I'm trying to move along with my life, however, so here I am again, rejoining blogland. And with a new tale of woe from The Twilight Zone.
Today was the worst day there by far. Unbearable puts it mildly. Apparently, coworker #1 (who we will call CQ), does not like chit chat. Therefore, H and I have been banned to another area of the office where the work conditions are somewhat substandard. What's more, everything I say is wrong. Everything I say is met with some sort of opposition, some comment, SOMETHING. I've come to the conclusion that I will just say nothing at all; but that makes for a really uncomfortable time. And I have to go there a certain number of hours per week, of course. Grrrrrrr......
Thank God for the weekend.......
On a happier note, however........I am anticipating Wendy Boucher's new book!!!! I can't wait to get it, and am even more excited to read it!! :-)